
易安殿 阅读:46 2022-12-26 11:01:00 评论:0

隐士定论(袁天罡说骨歌完整版失传所以不准确,网上搜集的也只是片段,现在很多人剖腹产所以这个不准确。目前主流的占卜算式use, 望、摸、问、量是什么意思?简单来说就是看,解释就是看一个人的脸、手相、整体气质、气场。摸就是摸骨头、手、脸, 后脑勺, 腿等. 方位, 量人运势等. 问, 询问遇到的问题, 家里的风水等. 量, 指用计算的辅助工具进行占卜,还有用捏手指来衡量人。注意,计算只能说出大概的情况,准确到某物或某人的时候是不允许的。只能指导大概,说出来的是没有效果的。如果你真的不数数,你无法告诉您最准确的信息。 他会告诉你某个发展你要注意,比如求财。 他会指导你往哪个方向走,然后给你介绍这个行业,但不会细说。 比如,如果你出了什么事,他会指导你躲到哪里去,但不会告诉你细节。 问好。 原因一、他直接说天机泄露,改变了事情的轨迹。 算了,本该加倍的劫难。)如果有兴趣了解更多,可以关注微信公众号隐士物语



乙丑九钱 丁丑八钱 冀丑七钱 辛丑七钱 鬼丑七钱


丁卯七钱 继卯一两九钱 辛卯一两二钱 桂卯一两二钱 一卯八钱


己思五文 辛思六文 癸思七文 义思七文 丁思六文

庚午九仙 壬午八仙 甲午一二五仙 丙午一二三仙 戊午一二九仙





义海九钱 定海一二六钱 吉海九钱 鑫海一二七钱 桂海七钱







头六一二五钱 头七八钱 头八一二六钱 头九第八钱 头十一二六钱


16, 18, 17, 9, 18, 12, 19, 19, 21, 25

二十一一二二十九美元 二三十八美元 二十四九美元 二十五一二十五美元

二十六一二十八美元 二十七七美元 二十八八美元 二十九九十二六美元 三十六美元









甲子年骨重一二钱,正月骨重六钱,正月初一骨重五钱,孩子骨重一二六钱。 年、月、日、时的骨骼重量相加为1.2+0.6+0.5+1.6=3.9,所以此人的总骨骼重量为329仙。 看看下一栏的《称骨算命诗》,就是此人一生的宿命。







注:身寒骨寒寂寞。 这种命运被推到了乞丐身上。 他们很痛苦,没有快乐的日子。 他们将独自生活一辈子。




备注:此生是艰苦奋斗的一生。 每当困难和灾难多的时候,你就会处境艰难,一生也成就不了大事。


















说明:此命为强者,勤奋,迁居祖宗,能自立,安然,轻知识,不做坏事,贪财。且年老无毒,但一命不足,子息难依。 前期是中年和中年小康,早年家庭小康。 到了40岁,他们会逐渐在生命的尽头做出事情。 妻与宫节制,二妻不受罚,四子死一子死。 他的寿命是七十九岁。 此后七十九岁,卒于十二月中旬。



生活中少有议论,难以依靠祖辈做决定。 单打独斗,早年晚年永远长不大。

注:此缘人性清净,不刚不柔,心无毒,做事始终从头到尾,鸳鸯觅食,易聚易散,亲人不能'不做,财产风波,劳资愁,很早就恨芬寒窗,结果破了,从头再来,过了三十五六十年,就可以成家立业了。 四十,风平浪静,五十岁,风平浪静。




备注:此命为多才多艺之人,狡猾,祖业失传,离乡立业。 兄弟多,混杂,你清静安然。 当你出门时,人们会尊重你。 化吉,一生勤俭持家,无大难算八字原唱,只救人无用,引怨为宠,重义轻才,易聚易散,早年不能聚财,只知勤劳三十三岁,万事如意,三十* *,四十岁,满心欢喜,人生尽头福如东海,寿命比这还长南山的。 只是妻宫受制,三子死。 活六十九岁,过八十一岁,三月中旬卒。




点评:此命很人性,心直口快,才华横溢,见善不欺,恶不怕,凡事执着,宽财,财不聚,手足无助,自食其力,出国好,初限2 13、4、5失败,27、8会有好运,如枯木逢春,中限49危,古镜重磨40多年,月亮又圆了。 五十六七日终,明月又被云侵,七十方吉,妻儿惧刑。 刻子,寿七十七,春卒。




注:本命为多才多艺之人,心计高明,祖业凋零,离乡可立家业,兄弟实力微弱,杂种多,贵人扶持时你出去。 , 以恩招怨, 重义轻才, 易聚散, 早年不能聚财, 三十三岁知劳, 万事如意, 三十一岁, 四十岁乐老,三子夭折,寿六十九,三月卒。






注:此命为孝敬父母,吉祥如意,亲戚和睦,忠义刚强,勤学有名,忠孝心无毒。 ,不贵得福,受人仰慕,名满天下,老了兴旺,出门受人仰慕。 一生无忧无虑,健健康康,年少无利,寿终正福。 白鹤先生说:此生三限,子孙兴旺,一限早成家,努力工作,中限逐渐赚钱上乡,少夫少夫。妻无刑,末极荣华,寿八十三,冬月卒。




备注: 中期,你会逐渐知足,追求成功,出门受人尊敬,一生受人尊敬。 要问他的消息,事业兴旺,家业兴旺,财运亨通。 清风细雨,四十六,七十八,晚运,花香桂花,夫妻白头到老,寿八十余,子孙福禄荣昌,腊月中卒。



早年,万事难成,招数无功。 半生自由流转,后运得金。

解说:此生天生人性灵巧,以假成真,语速草率,以恩招怨,君子仰慕,小人以恨,血肉无奈,四方志向,身心俱全身体健康,前程似锦,少植树,轻财中限,大运来,名望可望,万物更新,名利重振。 后注意小事,后生子,寿八十三,三月中卒。


这缘分的加持与果报是什么? 和尚门内衣饰繁多,


解说:这种缘分源于人性的急躁,与人为善是不美的。 离开祖宗成家并不美好。 三遍四遍之后,自立自强,乐享福乐。 自足不求人,家庭和睦,妻宫无刑,猴猪羊蛇不相容,龙虎马牛可安,虽有二子,只可保守秘密终生。 兄弟亲戚如冰炭,居家不安,早年杂居,忙忙碌碌,无力凑钱,时常忧心忡忡,寿七十八岁,卒于三月中旬。




备注:此生品格纯洁,做事诚实,志得意满,做事与人有仇,六亲兄弟无依无靠,无祖产,早年混杂,单马单枪,缘分的初始极限很晚,20**三十岁末,据说运气不错。 三十五岁、六岁到四十岁,犹如金灿灿的秋菊迎秋。 春天是所有心机耗尽的时候。 年终岁末,唯有珍惜。 又盛开,妻宫无忧,寿五十七,限六十九,三子卒,寿八十一,卒于十月中。




说明:此命聪明,豁达,高尚,年少勤奋,有名誉,年少无利,足智多谋,有礼有义,才华横溢,勤俭持家,一生吉祥,做事与人相反,不美,六亲靠得住,交友,人间春风,中限,家荣,善不欺,恶不惧,物相贯,量可厚,义利明,吉人天,天下名,终限嫁立业,安享晚年,高高在上。升楼,妻与宫未受刑,子三亡,独子一亡。 活七十七岁,春卒。





解说:此命为人正直,做事豁达有才,不愿休息,六亲兄弟无力,无祖业可依,白手起家立业,喜忧参半。末,不能聚财,不欺人,有义气,好动,易成喜怒,奔波劳苦,初离别处,可成家,改家,中限度不尽如人意,最后限度在妻宫附近,则可受罚。 十七岁,七月中旬卒。




点评:此命为人正直,做事豁达有才,不愿休息,六亲兄弟无力,无祖产可依,白手起家立业,喜忧参半到头来,聚不成财,一双好手抢钱,没人赚钱,这命蜘蛛结网,夜不圆。 经过几次尝试和失败,只能发家致富。 谁知又被大风吹了。 初阶为二十三四,如明月被云侵。 太阳重开,运气终究是最宝贵的,逐渐繁荣起来。




点评:此命为人正直,做事豁达有才,机变不甘,六亲兄弟无奈,无祖业可依,白手起家,喜忧参半到头来聚不成财,一双好手抢钱,没人挣钱 打架,这辈子蜘蛛织网,黑夜不圆,做了几次又失败了几次,只能定下稳家计,谁知被大风吹来,初定二十三四,犹如明月被云侵,三十出外,恰逢太阳重开,二儿子死了。 活五十七岁,八十八岁秋卒。








点评:此命气高,无心,未交祖产,异地别处,无所不成,六亲无力,自成,学理,名扬天下, 外方用时, 丰隆柱受限于奔波杂七杂八, 无法聚财, 三十八或九十八后可以成家, 四十五或六十五可以结婚. 假送晚年,命元四十七,突破后能到六十六,九月中旬卒。




注:今生为人劳苦,自力更生,与人劳苦,却一事无成,告别祖宗之命,再三嫁娶,穷尽心计,不开心。 要想享受幸福快乐,就要等到三十六到四十六时辰。 求私不求福,有贵人相助,家庭平安,妻宫欲免刑,猴猪羊蛇不合,属龙,虎马牛相安,兄弟亲人如冰碳,我居家不安,初限杂,不能聚财,常愁,命七十八岁,卒于三月中旬。








备注:此命忠孝,心善,浮躁,远见,勤劳,贵人,亲戚,亲戚,开端吉祥,美中不足,福运中限,名利双收,刚柔相济,二十九岁运气好,能熬过花甲,麒麟是上天送老的。 他活到八十五岁,死于冬月。



功名利禄终究来了,辛苦了终究来了。 男女养命难,没有多少血肉相依。

备注:此缘是给不刚不柔、心中无毒的人,要对自己负责。 祖宗之命,做事自始至终,鸳鸯觅食,或聚或散。 成败多,初限杂,祖产毁,白手起家,三十五、六十可以成家成家。 过了四十,就如一帆风顺的小船。 五十多岁,稳重。 一场艰苦的比赛,儿子与伴侣同归于尽,一生七十五岁,五月病逝。



东西南北四通八达,姓氏迁徙更是兴盛。 不丢衣薪的天数是固定的,中年和晚景大体相同。





备注:此生人品纯洁,处事公道,忠于他人,性情高尚,报恩报仇,手足薄弱,家业薄弱,早年混杂,血肉好,财运来从缘分上看,单凭一己之力,刚开始的时候才20多岁,30多岁的时候,年末运势不错,年末会走下坡路。 三十六岁到四十岁,就像秋天盛开的金秋菊,用尽心血才贵。 易承怀,祖产破了,家业再投资,就像枯木春暖花开,孤儿送去晚年,从五十九岁到六十九岁,还有死于冬月,享年八十二岁。




点评:此命浮躁,随遇而安,常亲贵人,祖业不顺,骨肉六亲少义,自立一家,初限如霜雪,中限可结婚了,大运可以一下子建立起家业,妻子有节制,小妾不受惩罚,三个儿子活下去。 寿七十七岁,七月卒。



此缘推福不可掉以轻心。 他自成一体,出类拔萃。 他一向为富贵所尊,使仆人奴婢终其一生。

备注:此生品格纯洁,处事勤俭,恩怨中有恩怨,手足相克,亲友相助,酒食交钱,却不美,初限穷忧算八字原唱,二十六七岁以后,若逆水行舟,不能聚财,中限杂,惩妻小子,四十岁以后可以成家创业,事事如意,万事如意圆满,到四十七八岁的时候,就会有灾祸,不如赔钱交出来,然后会有十年的好运,家里聚财聚财,万事如意。三个儿子被送去养老。 寿元七十三岁,九月卒。






Diligent and thrifty to start a family, the old age will be blessed

I will prosper in everything, do not need to work hard to prosper, brothers, uncles and nephews are all happy, and the family fortune will be prosperous when the family is successful.

Notes: This destiny is capable of doing things, and can adapt to changes, can know the seriousness of dryness, makes friends like brothers, is generous, does not deceive when seeing good, is not afraid of evil, is upright in life, has no danger of disaster, but is rare Recruiting ancestral business, the initial limit is no loss in clothing and wealth, and the child interest can be obtained later. Forty to fifty, the final limit is Changji, no loss in fortune, stable financial resources, abundant food and clothing, high-end mansions, friendly wife and palace, two sons and two daughters. Shouyuan was eighty years old and died in mid-September.

(five taels of money).

Smart and capable, old man will be rich and rich

I can do everything in a prosperous and prosperous life, without having to worry about it, the family is happy and happy, and the family is rich and prosperous.

Note: This destiny is multi-talented and multi-talented, quick-witted, ancestral property is lost, leaving home can start a family, brothers have little power, heterogeneous, people are only saving people, and value righteousness over wealth. Everything goes well with money, at thirty to forty years old, wishful thinking, at the end of the day, blessings are like the East China Sea, and the life expectancy is longer than Nanshan, but the wife overcomes the two hardships without punishment, and has three sons and two daughters. She lived eighty-three years and died in the winter moon.

(five two three coins)


This model is based on the true temperament, the prosperity of the family, and the arrangement of fortune in the whole life, but he is a rich man in the world.

Note: This fate is to respect parents, to be blessed and lucrative, to have a high temperament, to be a young man who is diligent in his studies but not to be famous, to be loyal and filial, to be kind and non-toxic, to be expensive if he is not rich, to be admired by others, to be famous all over the world, to be old and prosperous, the upper limit Worry-free, healthy for the whole life, young people owe money, and at the end they will be able to enjoy happiness and wealth. Mr. Baihe said: This bone has three limits, the situation of descendants and kings, the first limit is to start a family early, work hard, the middle limit is to gradually make money, reorganize the family, and the end Restricted to prosperity and wealth, his wife and concubine were not punished, and three sons and two daughters died, with a life span of eighty-two, and died in the winter moon.

(five two four money)

life of leisure

This fate is thick and clear, full of poems and books to see success, affluent food and clothing are naturally stable, they are the blessed people in the world.

Explanation: This destiny is dexterous, open-minded, high-minded, young and diligent in learning and fame, young and unprofitable, resourceful, courteous and righteous, talented and capable, diligent and thrifty in work, good fortune in life, and doing things against others. Not beautiful, relatives and friends, spring breeze from all over the world. The middle limit is a glorious family, do not deceive when good is good, do not be afraid when evil is good, things will last forever, auspicious people and heaven, famous in the world, get married and start a business, grow old safely, high-rise buildings, wives and palaces without punishment, three children, only one son dies, life expectancy seven Seventeen, died in spring.

(five taels and five coins)

Struggle in youth, fortune in old age

Fighting for fame and fortune, juveniles spend money on work, and once the blessings come from all over, the wealth and glory will be displayed to the six relatives.

Notes: This destiny is dexterous and ingenious, does not accumulate wealth in the initial limit, is just a vain name, money comes and goes, is diligent in learning throughout the life, has its own fame, clothing and salary, lucky stars follow the fate, in the middle limit, you can be satisfied, please seek If you seek success, you will be respected when you go out, you will be honored throughout your life, and you will ask for other news. Afterwards, your family will prosper, and you will be prosperous in your prime of life. Osmanthus fragrans, husband and wife grow old together for a hundred years, life beyond eighty years, Fulu Rongchang, died in spring.

(five two six money)

A man of benevolence and righteousness is destined to grow old and rich

This style is based on etiquette and righteousness, with endless blessings, tasted both sweet and sour, bitter and spicy, and the wealth is stable and abundant.

Explanation: This fate is human nature and ingenuity, with words and no intentions, things are not kept secret, hard work is inevitable for young people, the ambition is everywhere, the body and mind are healthy, the future luck is shady and the trees are planted less, the talents are not met, the middle limit is light on wealth, large-scale travel is accompanied, and the movement is safe all day long. The reputation is expected, the old business is replaced by the new, and the fame and fortune are shared. The five people are all white-haired, and poured out of their hearts. After Kun, the small things of this life are relaxed, and there will be children. The life is eighty-two years old, and he died in the winter moon.

(five two seven money)

Everyone admires and leaves the ancestors to start a family

Fulu is abundant and everything is complete, a glorious and happy year.

Famous and powerful, people are eager to envy, this world is like a fairy at ease.

Fulu is rich and full of everything, a body of glory shows his parents, fame and power inspires people to admire, and life is happy like spring.

Explanation: This destiny is skillful, meticulous, resourceful, high-spirited, diligent in learning at a young age, successful in fame and fortune, free and happy, generous in spirit, rich in wealth, just like icing on the cake. Since the middle limit, it has become self-reliant, gradually prosperous, and recruits people. Wealth, the wife is married at a late age, forty to forty-five or six years old, expecting the son to become famous, the last limit is more proud, the family property is very prosperous, the wife and palace are not restrained, the second son dies, the life is seventy-three years old, and died in the first month middle.

(five twenty-eight dollars)

Original creation of fame and fortune, life of happiness in old age

The blessings of life come naturally, fame and wealth are all blessings and longevity, the wild goose pagoda is inscribed as a distinguished guest, and the purple robe and gold take away the gold steps.

Notes: This life is loyal and upright, has a beginning and an end in doing things, has a high-spirited body, has a prosperous family, brothers help less, pays equal attention to wives and palaces, has two or three children, starts a business in a foreign land, and is the order of officials and ministers. In order not to be beautiful, wealth comes and goes in the early stage, prosperity is limited in the middle stage, and one son dies, and his life is eighty-three years old, and he died in April.

(five twenty-nine dollars)

It is advisable to keep yourself safe, and Fulu is self-sufficient

If you carefully push this style to be subtle and clear, you must have high etiquette and righteousness, and you should have a share in the first class, and you can show your majesty with a whip and a horse.

Note: This destiny is for people who are irritable, strong, and will not suffer in life. The so-called many are wise and versatile, respected by others, and their ancestors are withered. To start a family independently is to gather wealth early, to turn bad luck into good luck, and to be happy after 20 years of cross-breeding. The mid-term life can enter the wealth of the four quarters. When you go out with the help of noble people, you can do business with skill, so you can start a family and start a business , There may be minor illnesses here, and then you will be safe, sit and enjoy the blessings, wife and palace with dragons, tigers, horses and cattle, one son will be sent to the old age, life is eighty years old, and died in June.

(six taels)

Standing out from the crowd, showing the fate of the ancestors

As soon as the gold list is titled quickly, the ancestors and the Rongzong will make great contributions, the clothes and salary will definitely be abundant, and the pastoral wealth will be even more abundant.

Explanation: This destiny is clever, well-developed, high-minded, diligent in learning, good at fame, unprofitable in youth, resourceful, courteous, talented, diligent and thrifty in work, good fortune in life, good for others Doing things is powerful but not successful, brothers and sisters are resourceful, make friends, become famous all over the world, have a bright family in the middle limit, develop early, have a clear sense of righteousness and profit, get married and start a business and grow old safely, high-rise buildings, wives and palaces without punishment, and children rest Of the three, only one died in spring at the age of seventy-seven.

(six taels and one money)

Fame and fortune, a life of wealth and honor

Not to be a member of the imperial court, but to be the richest man in the world, intelligent and talented, well-versed in books, famous and high-tech is an honor.

Notes: This life is upright, intelligent, good-natured, and talented. Don't bully when you see good, don't be afraid when you encounter evil, hard and soft will help you, you will always be lenient, and you will be able to accumulate wealth. At the age of seventy-eight, there is danger, the ancient mirror is re-ground at thirty, and the moon is full again, and the sixty-sixth to seventyth party will be handed over to the grand fortune wife, Gong Xiaopei, and the life is seventy-seven years old, and he dies in the spring.

(six taels of money)

Smart in reading, specially appointed as a high-ranking official, greatly invigorating the family tradition

This life is full of blessings in life, reading will definitely show relatives, purple clothes and gold belts will be the princes, wealth and glory can be the same.

Notes: This destiny is honest and honest, without poison, clever and sensitive, far-sighted, auspicious and auspicious, hard-working in heart, admired by others, a fly in the ointment, gradually getting better in the middle limit, good fame and fortune, strong and affectionate, twenty-nine turn Spring is warm in Laiyang, good news from the Northeast, Tianjin Sitong, sixty-two year old Dashun, a unicorn sent by God to send old people, life is eighty-five years old, died in the winter moon.

(six, two, three)

Longevity, high-ranking officials, and high-ranking fate

The master of life is an official with good fortune and wealth, and he will be rich and rich.

Notes: This destiny is for people who are smart and intelligent, close to knowledge, far away from small people, strong self-consciousness, timely repentance, generous gentleman, three stars of fortune, wealth and longevity, wealth and fame all over the world, honor and ancestry, but a fly in the ointment Jia, the wife and palace are hard, the heart is heavy, worry about the world's worries first, and enjoy the world's joys later, live seventy-eight years, enjoy the time of returning home, two sons and two daughters die.

(six two four money)

This style of authority is unstoppable, and the purple robe and gold belt are dusty.

Who can match the glory and wealth? The name and surname Yang are left forever.

An authoritative official, a wealth and honor that will last forever

This style of authority is unstoppable, the purple robe and gold belt sit in the high hall, no one can match the glory and wealth, and the storehouse is full of accumulated jade and gold.

(six twenty-five dollars)

Carefully push this fate, fortune is not light, who is rich and glorious?

Dingguo Anbang people are top-notch, and their prestige is outstanding.

Six two six money:

Wealth and wealth, the fortune of accumulating gold and jade

This character is a blessed person in the world, heaps gold and jade, and the house is full of spring. Wealth and honor have always been determined by heaven, and the sage is paying homage to the sage.

Six two seven money:

Prosperity for a lifetime, enjoy a boundless life

This life is born with blessings and prosperity, the pastoral family is the most prosperous, the life is full of clothing and wealth, and the prosperity of the whole life is know-it-all.

(six twenty-eight dollars)

Enjoy the blessings of God, close to the life of the noble

Wealth is up to the heavens, and there is no need to plan for Wanjin's family plan. Now it is not the same as before, and the foundation of the ancestral business has been left behind.

(Sixty-two nine coins) Although the ancestral property is rich, if you don't stick to it, it will fail

You are the star of wealth and wealth in the world. You will be rich and honored by everyone throughout your life. Even if your fortune is determined by the sky, you will live your life in prosperity.

(seven taels) Life is pure and prosperous, the destiny of both wealth and honor has been determined by God, and the Zhenghu Chuishun worships Zichen.

This fate pushes Fuluhong, you don't need to worry about hard work, you will set your clothes and salary all your life, and you will be rich and prosperous all your life.

(seven two one money)

This life is very different, and the princes and ministers are among them.

Life has its own happiness, wealth and prosperity.

(seven two two coins)

This kind of world is rare, and ten generations have accumulated good fortune to give birth to this person.

Ziwei in the sky came to obey his orders, ruled all people and enjoyed peace.



